During your travels, have you ever wanted to curate all your travel moments, and wished there was an app to do just that? There were approximately 1.4 billion travelers in 2018 alone. That means 1 out of every 5 person on the planet is a traveler, you are certainly not alone in your struggles. Is there a solution to all your 21st century travel woes?
Introducing TravelBuddy. TravelBuddy is a desktop journal app that curates all your travel moments! Here are 4 ways to use TravelBuddy:
TravelBuddy Records: Helps you capture, store, organize and edit info about the places you’ve been to.
TravelBuddy Search: Helps you search through your list of places quickly to find what you were looking for.
TravelBuddy Photos: Helps you attach photos to your list of places.
TravelBuddy Analytics: Helps you gather insights into your travel patterns and behavior.
Best of all, you can accomplish any of these tasks with just a single command. So, are you ready to redefine traveling?
Some parts of this sample application were inspired by the excellent Java FX tutorial by Marco Jakob.
The original source of the code was used with permission from the AddressBook-Level4 project created by SE-EDU.