PROJECT: TravelBuddy

This project portfolio serves to document my contribution to TravelBuddy, a desktop application. It was developed as a team project for the National University of Singapore (NUS) module CS2103T Software Engineering. My team consisted of 4 NUS Computer Science undergraduates, including myself.

The application was developed over a span of 8 weeks in Academic Year 18/19 Semester 2 using an iterative approach. During that time, we were asked to morph an existing desktop application AddressBook Level 4, which is made up of 10KLoC in Java. One main user requirement was the preference of the user to interact with the application using Command Line Interface (CLI) rather than Graphical User Interface (GUI). The final product that my team developed is TravelBuddy, which is detailed below.

1. Overview

TravelBuddy is a travel journal desktop application for travel enthusiasts to record places which they have previously visited. With the recorded data, travelers can search for places visited based on specified filters such as rating and tags. Additionally, the application can also analyse travel history and generate statistics. Users can also store their travel photos on TravelBuddy, which can help them remember and reminisce the places they have visited before.

My role in the project was to design and write code for the Create, Read, Update and Delete (CRUD) feature. The following sections showcase, in greater detail, my contributions and enhancements to TravelBuddy. They also include documentation of these enhancements in the user and developer guide.

2. Summary of Contributions

This section summarises my contributions to the project.

2.1. Major Enhancement

The major enhancement I added was, the ability to add, list, edit and delete places in TravelBuddy.

What it does: It allows users to add, list, edit and delete places in TravelBuddy.


  • The user needs to be able to add places to TravelBuddy.

  • When the user applies a filter such as filter by a country, a limited number of places would be shown. The list command will allow the user to see all the places again.

  • The user may make some mistakes when adding a place. The edit command will allow the user to rectify those mistakes.

  • The user may accidentally add a place. The delete command allows the user to remove the specific place.

Highlights: This enhancement involved a large amount of refactoring and careful crafting of test cases in order to test thoroughly the DateVisited field.

Overall code contributed: [Project Code Dashboard]

2.2. Minor Enhancement

The minor enhancement I did was to convert the Person object from the original code base to a Place object.

Code contributed to minor enhancement: [Functional Code]

2.3. Other contributions

The Table 2.3.1 below documents the various other contributions that I made to TravelBuddy.

Table 2.3.1: Details of Other Contributions

Project management

  • As Team Lead, I spearheaded the project planning and managed the project scope. Additionally, I conducted weekly meetings and managed the scheduling of tasks so as to prevent merge conflicts.

  • Managed a release on GitHub (Release: v1.3)

Enhancements to existing features

Added colors to tag labels so that they can be differentiated easily: #8


  • Updated the User Guide with the features I added: #70, #72, #106

  • Updated the User Guide with list of country codes: #101

  • Updated the Developer Guide with features I added and diagrams for illustration purposes: #55, #72, #86, #99, #104, #185


  • Fixed User Interface (UI) related bug: #125

  • Fixed general bugs found during testing: #167

  • Tested other projects, reported bugs and suggested improvements: #159, #161, #166, #171, #172, #173, #174, #176

3. Contributions to the User Guide

The original User Guide was updated to match the enhancements implemented in TravelBuddy.

Given below is the start of an excerpt from the User Guide which I had contributed. They demonstrate my ability to write easy-to-follow documentation that targets end-users.

3.1. Adding a Place: add

Description: The add command adds a place to TravelBuddy.

Shortcut: a


The Table 4.3.1 below shows the parameters that require a specific input format to be added.

Table 4.3.1: Parameters that require a specific format


Parameter Prefix

Specific Input Format



An integer ranging from 1 to 5



A valid ISO-3166 three-letter country code
e.g. JPN to represent Japan
The full list of country codes can be found here



A valid date that follows the DD/MM/YYYY format ranging from 01/01/1900 to the current date

Examples: Given below are some examples on how to utilize the add command:

  • add n/Botanic Gardens cc/SGP dv/01/01/2017 r/4 d/UNESCO World Heritage Site a/1 Cluny Rd, Singapore 259569 t/nature
    Adds Botanic Gardens to the list of places you have visited into TravelBuddy.

  • add n/Raffles Hotel cc/SGP dv/05/05/2016 t/hotel d/This place is lovely a/Raffles Road r/5 t/staycation
    Adds Raffles Hotel to the list of places you have visited into TravelBuddy.

Figure 4.3.1 below shows the outcome of a specific add command

Figure 4.3.1: Adding a place to TravelBuddy
A place can have any number of tags (including 0 tags).

3.2. Deleting a Place: delete

Description: The delete command deletes the specified place from TravelBuddy.

Shortcut: d

Format: delete INDEX

Preconditions: Given below is a list of preconditions that must be met for the delete command to work:

  • Deletes the place at the specified INDEX.

  • The index refers to the index number shown in the currently displayed list, on the left.

  • The index must be a positive integer 1, 2, 3, …​

Figure 4.11.1 below shows TravelBuddy before delete command is used.

Figure 4.11.1: Before the delete command is used

Figure 4.11.2 below shows the result of using the delete command on the first index of the list.

Figure 4.11.2: After the delete command is used

Examples: Given below are some examples on how to utilize the delete command:

  • list
    Lists all the places in TravelBuddy.
    delete 2
    Deletes the 2nd place in TravelBuddy.

  • search Raffles
    Searches for any places which has the word "Raffles" in it.
    delete 1
    Deletes the 1st place in the results of the search command.

3.3. Listing All Places: list

Description: The list command displays a list of all the places in TravelBuddy.

Shortcut: l

Format: list

3.4. Editing a Place: edit

Description: The edit command edits an existing place in TravelBuddy.

Shortcut: e


Preconditions: Given below is a list of preconditions that must be met for the edit command to work:

  • The command edits the place at the specified INDEX. The index refers to the index number shown in the displayed place list. The index must be a positive integer 1, 2, 3, …​

  • It must have at least one of the optional fields.

  • Its existing values will be updated to the input values.

  • The adding of tags is not cumulative. Hence, when the tags are edited, the existing tags of the place will be removed.

  • The tags can all be removed by typing t/ without specifying any tags after it.

  • Some parameters have a specific input format.

  • Preconditions for changing the photo file [FILE_PATH] are in [Replacing the photo of a place with edit p/]

Examples: Given below are some examples on how to utilize the edit command:

  • edit 1 r/3 d/No description
    Edits the rating and description of the 1st entry in the list to be 3 and No description respectively.

  • edit 2 n/Raffles Hotel t/
    Edits the name of the 2nd entry in the list to be Raffles Hotel and clears all existing tags.

Figure 4.5.1 below shows the list of places before the edit command is used.

Figure 4.5.1: Before the edit command is used

Figure 4.5.2 below shows the list of places after the edit command is used.

Figure 4.5.2: After the edit command is used

This marks the end of the excerpt from the User Guide.

4. Contributions to the Developer Guide

The original Developer Guide was updated to match the logic of the enhancements implemented in TravelBuddy.

Given below is the start of an excerpt from the Developer Guide which I had contributed. They demonstrate my ability to write technical documentation and the technical depth of my contributions to the project.

4.1. Add Feature

The add command is used to add a place into TravelBuddy. The user can add the following details related to the place: name, country code, date visited, rating, address, description, photo (Optional) and Tag (Optional).

The country code adheres to the three-letter ISO-3166 standard. The full list of country codes can be found here.

4.1.1. Current Implementation

Figure is a sequence of steps that illustrates the interaction between various classes when the add command is entered.

Figure Execution sequence of the add command

add n/NUS Computing cc/SGP dv/10/10/2017 r/3 d/My School a/13 Computing Drive, 117417 t/faculty

1) The String user input is passed into the LogicManager::execute method of the LogicManager instance as the only parameter.

2) The LogicManager::execute method calls TravelBuddyParser::parseCommand which receives the user input as a parameter.

  • The user input is formatted: the first String token is taken as the command word and the rest of the String is grouped as arguments to be used later by the AddCommandParser.

  • From the command word, the TravelBuddyParser instance identifies the user input as an add command and constructs an instance of AddCommandParser.

3) TravelBuddyParser calls the AddCommandParser::parse method. The AddCommandParser takes in the rest of the string, which is n/NUS Computing cc/SGP dv/10/10/2017 r/3 d/My School a/13 Computing Drive, 117417 t/faculty

  • The string is tokenised to arguments based on their prefixes.

ArgumentMultimap argMultimap = ArgumentTokenizer.tokenize(args, PREFIX_NAME,
  • A check is made on the presence of the relevant prefixes n/, cc/, dv/, r/, d/, a/, p/ and t/.

  • When the mandatory prefixes are not present, a ParseException will be thrown with an error message on the proper usage of the add command.

 if (!arePrefixesPresent(argMultimap, PREFIX_NAME, PREFIX_COUNTRY_CODE,
     || !argMultimap.getPreamble().isEmpty()) {
     throw new ParseException(String.format(MESSAGE_INVALID_COMMAND_FORMAT,
  • Otherwise, a Place object is constructed and used as a field in the creation of a AddCommand object.

4) The newly created AddCommand object is returned to back to the LogicManager instance through the AddCommandParser and TravelBuddyParser objects.

5) Once the control is returned to the LogicManager object, it calls the AddCommand::execute method.

  • The method takes in a Model object to access the application’s data context, the stored data of all places.

  • The code snippet below shows the AddCommand::execute method.

 public CommandResult execute(Model model, CommandHistory history)
     throws CommandException {
     if (model.hasPlace(toAdd)) {
         throw new CommandException(MESSAGE_DUPLICATE_PLACE);
     return new CommandResult(String.format(MESSAGE_SUCCESS, toAdd));
  • A check is made on whether the place already exists in TravelBuddy. If it already exists, a CommandException will be thrown with an error message on the duplicate entry of the place.

6) The Place data is added into TravelBuddy.

  • Here, the Model::addPlace method is called, and it subsequently calls the TravelBuddy::addPlace method.

  • Following which, the Model::commitTravelBuddy method is called.

7) The AddCommand::execute execution completes by returning a new CommandResult that contains a success message to its calling method which is LogicManager::execute.

8) Finally, the CommandResult is returned to the caller of LogicManager::execute and the execution sequence ends.

Add Command

Given below is an example usage scenario and what the user will see in the GUI.

Figure Add command output

The user launches the application and enters the full add command add n/Raffles Hotel cc/SGP dv/05/05/2016 t/hotel d/This place is lovely a/Raffles Road r/5 t/staycation 117417 t/faculty. TravelBuddy will start executing the steps mentioned in Figure and the output is shown above in Figure

The command add is in lower-case. Mixed-case or upper-case commands are not recognised by TravelBuddy.

4.1.2. Design Considerations

Aspect: Data structure to store country codes

Given below is a comparison between the alternatives for the data structure that can be used for country codes.

Alternative 1 (current choice) Alternative 2


Use enum specified in java.util.Locales.

Create a data structure containing only the top 30 commonly traveled countries in the world.


Ease-of-use. This approach simply requires the importing of java.util.Locales to get the country codes.
Comprehensive. java.util.Locales contains all of the 250 3-letter country codes as specified in ISO-3166.

Fast. This approach is computationally less intensive than Alternative 1. This is because there are only 30 country codes in the data structure.


Slightly slow. This approach is computationally more intensive than Alternative 1. This is because there are 250 country codes to search from.

Tedious. This approach requires the coder to search for the top 30 visited countries in the world and type out all the 30, 3-letter country codes as specified in ISO-3166.
Not User-friendly. If the user visited a country that is not in the top 30 list of countries visited, the user would not be able to add it into TravelBuddy.

Decision: Alternative 1 is used for the current implementation. Alternative 2 may not fulfill all of the user requirements of adding any country code. Alternative 1’s speed is only slightly slower than Alternative 2.

This marks the end of the excerpt from the Developer Guide.